
Augmented Realities in the Anthropocene

An Interdisciplinary Project for Artistic Research

Exciting news! From November 2 to 24, 2024, the exhibition „Augmented Realities in the Anthropocene – Artistic Research“ will take place at the Verein Berliner Künstler (VBK). This exhibition brings together artists from Berlin and Trondheim, offering a unique exploration of the Anthropocene through innovative techniques, interactive elements, and traditional artistic methods.

The program kicks off with an opening night on Friday, November 1 at 7:00 PM. A symposium follows on Saturday, November 9, where artists and scientists—including myself, Prof. Andrew Perkis from NTNU Trondheim and Dr. Michael Fowler from TU Berlin—will dive into the latest ideas on technology, society, art and the environment. On November 18, Ursula Seeger and Dr. Johann Reißer will present their book and art project „geHÄUSe“ during a special reading event. The exhibition concludes on November 24 with a closing event and artist talk, starting at 3:00 PM.

This exhibition promises a captivating journey at the intersection of art and science. Don’t miss the chance to get inspired and join the conversation!

Download (PDF): Invitation and Program

The Project is funded by the norwegisch-deutsche Willy-Brandt-Stiftung.

Logo Willy Brandt Stiftung


"Augmented Realities in the Anthropocene – A Project for Artistic Research"

AI, climate change, and augmented reality are key terms describing the ecological, technical, and economic shifts shaping our future. This innovative project brings together artists and experts from visual arts, science, and technology to explore these changes. I’m excited to collaborate with Prof. Andrew Perkis and Wendy Ann Mansilla from NTNU Trondheim, Dr. Carsten Ullrich, philosopher Christian Kupke and the artists Sabine Schneider, Frauke Bohge and Silke Bartsch from Verein Berliner Künstler. 

Last year, we launched our two-year project with a kick-off exhibition and panel discussion, accessible here: YouTube (GER)

The project offers a unique opportunity to bring scientific insights on climate change, AI, and VR to the public creatively, raising new questions and perspectives. The final exhibition will run from November 1-24, 2024, at the VBK. 

I’m thrilled to be part of this pioneering project, combining art and science to address the crucial issues of our time.

The Project is funded by the norwegisch-deutsche Willy Brandt Stiftung.


Virtual Sculpture - Lost Volumes

exhibition view, concept for "Lost Volumes" a "City Scale Sculpture", Matthias and Nicole Leeck, video, audio track: "The Climb", 2023, Berlin

The project „Lost Volumes“ is all about CLIMATE and (RE)SEARCH. I create virtual sculptures that reflect the lost ice mass of the Vernagtferner glacier and make it observable from various viewpoints. The actual piece expands the city into unseen dimensions, connecting urban dwellers emotionally with the effects the climate change has on environement through visual and auditory representation. Dr. Christoph Mayer from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität provided the crucial satellite data.

Please check the page „CLIMATE and (RE)SEARCH“ for more information!

Link: „CLIMATE and (RE)SEARCH“ on this website.


Finissage and Panel

The finissage of the exhibition „Extended Realities – Artistic Processes for the Anthropocene“ was a resounding success. The panel discussion garnered significant attention, requiring additional chairs multiple times until the room was completely filled with guests. The panel discussion was conducted in the German language. Following a brief introduction, I had the opportunity to engage in conversation with two intriguing individuals: Frauke Bohge, a participating artist, and Dr. Carsten Ulrich, a recognized expert in artificial intelligence. Unfortunately, the independent philosopher Christian Kupke fell ill at short notice but provided written comments to specific questions, which were incorporated into the discussion. Subsequently, there was active participation from the audience.

I am pleased to share the recording, available on the YouTube channel of the „Verein Berliner Künstler“, on my website.

With great enthusiasm, we are entering the planning phase for the upcoming year. In November 2024, another in-depth exhibition on the same theme will follow.


Herzliche Einladung zur multimedialen Ausstellung: Erweiterte Realitäten

ich lade Sie und Euch herzlich zu der von mir mitkuratierten Ausstellung „Erweiterte Realitäten – Künstlerische Prozesse zum Anthropozän“ ein.

Die Vernissage ist am kommenden Freitag um 19:00 Uhr.

Einladen möchte ich auch zum Gespräch mit den Künstlerinnen und Künstlern am Sonntag den 26.11.23 um 15:00 Uhr. Die Information auf der Website des VBKs ist noch nicht dahingehend aktualisiert. Weitere Informationen zum kuratorischen Ansatz finden Sie im Menu unter Documentation.

Ich freue mich auf ein zahlreiches Erscheinen. 

Nach Rücksprache führe ich gerne persönlich durch die Ausstellung.

Hier (LINK) geht es zur Dokumentation.

Adresse: Schöneberger Ufer 57 | 10785 Berlin

Öffnungszeiten: Mittwoch bis Sonntag von 15:00-18:00 Uhr oder nach Absprache.




I am pleased to announce a section on my website. Until now, a section documenting current presentations and exhibitions was missing.

The first one is a documentation of my exhibition participation at the VBK – Berlin.


Current Exhibition at HAUS DER KÜNSTLER (VBK - Berlin)

I cordially invite you to my current exhibition. (6th of august – 21st of august)
In the group exhibition I am showing two new large-format prints and a new sculpture that is almost two metres high.

I will be on site on these dates:
– Vernissage: 5th of august ’22 at 7 pm.
– After-Work-Welcome: 11th of august from 7 pm onwards
– 13th of august: 2 pm until 6 pm


Opening hours
TUESDAY-FRIDAY | 3 pm – 7 pm
SATURDAY-SUNDAY | 2 pm – 6 pm



Ich freue mich über die Förderung eines meiner Projekte im Bereich VR und AR durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Programm NEUSTART KULTUR Modul D – Digitale Vermittlungsformate.
Jetzt geht es auf die Suche nach Partnern in Wissenschaft und Industrie.

(PDF) Abstract: Ein intermedialer Zwischenraum, der die bisherigen Grenzen der Kunstgattungen sprengt.


Gefördert durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Programm NEUSTART KULTUR Modul D – Digitale Vermittlungsformate



Frequencies 1, print, 2021, Berlin


Musical Experiments

A collaboration with a London composer led to this new series of graphic works – Frequencies.

I strive to make sound bodies a sensual experience.

Over the next few weeks, new works will gradually be presented here.


Exposé for an Artistic Research

The Perception of Real Things and Spaces in the Dualism of Analogue and Virtual Processes

I am happy to publish this exposé presenting an overview of my artistic processes and questions, which are the starting point of my project on artistic research. I will also discuss artistic and scientific methods and processes that I would like to apply and develop further in the next years.

(PDF) Exposé for an Artistic Research


Inside Art: A "bozzetto" for a monumental sculpture

Taking the strictest corona regulations into account, work continues on a sculpture about 4.5 metres in size. These pictures and photographs of the working process and the bronze sculpture on a scale of 1:10 are unedited.

Thank you very much Axel Selbach for the great cooperation! (ASM-CNC)


Presentation of my first limited and hand-bound edition

I am pleased to present you my new artist’s edition, limited to only 10 (+2). The whole working process, starting from the layout to the complex double-sided printing and finally the binding of the folded sheets, I would like to refer to the registered p: photography unlimited berlin (Website). Alexander Schippel does a great job. Artists can work in this workshop on the most modern printers at low cost and are wonderfully supported by Alex! Many thanks, Alex, for the excellent cooperation!

After the printing I decided to use a hardcover to protect effectively the pictures printed on the finest cotton paper. For each edition I enclose one of my hand-signed drawings in the appropriate format.

Has this aroused your interest?

Let’s get in touch!


Mob: 0049-15734878228


New series of works made in Sicily

I spent in July 4 inspiring weeks in different parts of Sicily. Meeting again the German film director Wolf Gaudlitz was exciting. During a hiking tour of over 8 hours he showed me hidden woods in the natural park of the Madonie. New photographs and a Bozzetto for a new sculptural work will be published in the next months.


Meeting with Axel Selbach the CEO of ASM – Wermelskirchen

I contacted many German high-tech companies, among them FAG and Vorwerk. FAG Kugelfischer invited me to their branch office in Wuppertal with their large training centre. The result was an exciting conversation. They would have liked to work together with me, technical difficulties made this impossible. Incredible, however, was a lack of expertise in the requested areas.

In the end, I found a partner in the highly specialized medium-sized company ASM in Wermelskirchen. They cooperate with the aerospace and automotive industry and have much experience with complex manufacturing processes and prototyping.
We are working on a great project in Berlin not far from the Brandenburg Gate. I would like to reveal just one thing at this point: It will be a column-like sculpture, about 4.5 m high, which will probably be installed in spring next year.

Stay tuned!

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